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FIFTY YEARS OF FIRST FLIGHTS, 1923-1973, Sikorsky, VG (soft cover), see scan, 6 pages near the end of the book have. been marked by ball point pen). A history of Sikorsky aircraft & helicopters, many photos, 55 pgs. $10.00
50 YEARS OF POWERED FLIGHT 1903-1953, Admaster Creations, 1952, vg (soft cover), see scan, A small (3" x 6") booklet covering the historic events in aviation history from 1903-1953, drawings, 124 pgs. $4.50
50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY, THE NATION AND THE WORLD, MdDonnell Douglas, 1970. vg (soft cover), see scan, History of McDonnell Douglas from 1920 to 1970, photos,s 48 pages. $10.00
FLIGHT WITH POWER, Wragg, David, St. Martin's Press, 1978, f/f (as new), see scan, Covers the first 10 years of powered flight, from the Wright brothers (1903) to the beginning of WW I, many photos, 157 pgs. $10.00
FIRST AIR CAMPAIGN, August 1914- November 1918, Lawson, Eric & Jane, Combined Books, 1996, as new, see photo, recounts the development of the airplane as a weapon in warfare, leading aces, order of battle, photos, 249 pgs. $10.00
FIRST AIR WAR, A PICTORIAL HISTORY 1914-1919, Treadwell & Wood, Barnes & Noble, 1998, as new, see photo, over 200 photos illustrate this book about U.S. aviators & aircraft in the WW I, including American volunteers in France, creation of US Air Service, Army & Navy air units, and POWs, 152 pgs. $10.00
FIRST TO FLY, Flood, Charles, Atlantic Monthly, 2015, f/f (as new), see scan, the Americans who joined the French in WW I & formed the first all American Squadron, Escadrille N124, the LAYFETTE ESCADRILLE, photos, 266 pgs. $10.00
FLIGHT OF EAGLES, Karolevitz & Fenn, Brevet Press, 1974, vg/vg, see photo, Kosciuszko Squadron of American volunteers who flew for Poland against Russia 1919-20, photos, 281 pgs. $10.00
FRIENDLESS SKY, THE, McKee, Alexander, Morrow, 1964, f/f, see photo,development of the airplane through narratives of air battles, photos, 256 pgs. $10.00
FROM THE GROUND UP, Adkins, F.J., Airlife, 1983, vg/vg, see photo, history of the RAF ground crews and their increasingly complex role from World War I, photos, 219 pgs. $10.00
GERMAN KNIGHTS OF THE AIR, Treadwell & Wood, Brassey's, 1997, new, see photo, the 81 German airmen who were awarded the Pour le Merite, photos, 208 pgs. $10.00
GREAT ATLANTIC AIR RACE, Rowe, Percy, McClelland & Stewart, 1977, f/f, se scan, Early attempts to cross the Atlantic, climaxed by the Alcock & Brown flight in 1919, 40 photos, 224 pgs. $10.00
GREAT DIRIGIBLES, THE, Toland, John, Dover, 1972, as new, soft cover, see photos, formerly titled Ships in The Sky, their triumphs & disasters, photo section, 352 pgs. $5.00
GREAT TRUE STORIES OF THE AIR, Hinton & Briston (Editors), Arco, 1960, vg (no dj). see scan, The editors have selected from vaious sources significant events from aviation history balloons, historic flights, air combat to the jet age, 224 pages $7.50
GUIDE TO OVER 900 AIRCRAFT MUSEUMS - USA & CANADA, Blaugher, Michael (Editor), Yearly, 2007, Soft cover (new condition) 24th Edition. see scan, Listed by state, city, U.S. Naval Ship Museums, Armored & Artillery Museums, Biplane & Warplane rides, DC-3 & Glider rides, aircraft listed alphabetically, 322 pages. $10.00
HAMILTON-FAIRFIELD WACO FLY-IN 1984, 28 page booklet on the 1984 Waco fly-in, many photos.see photo, major battles on land, at sea, and in the air, photos & maps, 368 pgs. $10.00
HEROES HAVE WINGS, Firkins, Peter, Hesperian Press, 1993, vg (soft cover), see photo, account of operations of the RAAF ranging over all geographical theaters of WW II, documentation of triumphs & defeats, photos, 212 pgs. $10.00
HEROES OF THE R.A.F., Various Authors, Herbert Jenkins, 1960, vg/vg , see scan, T the best biographical stories from the R.A.F. Flying Review, photos, 142 pgs $10.00
HEROES OF THE SUNLIT SKY, Whitehouse, Arch, Doubleday, 1967, vg/vg, see photo,short biographies of 134 WW I flyers, photos, 384 pgs.$10.00
HIGH FLEW THE FALCONS, Mason, Herbert Malloy, Lippincott Co., 1965, vg/vg, , see photo,looks at the war from the French side of the lines highlighting the careers of the major French flyers such as Jean Marie Doinique Navarre, Georges Guynemer, and Charles Nungesse, photos, 172 pgs. $10.00
HISTORIES OF AMERICAN ARMY UNITS - WORLD WAR I & II, AND KOREAN CONFLICT, compiled by C.E. Dornbusch, Deptl of Army, 1956, vg (soft cover), see scan, 310 pgs. $7.00
HISTORY OF MARINE FIGHTER ATTACK SQUADRON 232, Sambito, Maj. Wm. History & Museum Division USMC, 1978, Fine (soft cover, as new), see scan, Flew SBD's & TRF's in the Pacific, Guadacanal to Okinawa, Korea & the jet age, photos, 23 pgs. $10.00

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