RCAF SQUADRONS AND AIRCRAFT, Kostenuk & Griffin, A.M. Hakkert, 1977, vg/vg (oversized).
aee scan, A history of RCAF Squadrons & the aircraft they flew from 1924 to 1968, 460 photos, 255 pgs.
| $15.00 |
ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE 1924 - 1949, Cloutier, Edmond, King's Printer, 1949,
Soft cover (very good condition, no marks, tight binding). see scan,
Log book history of the Royal Canadian Air Force,photos, 96 pages.
| $20.00 |
Nowarra & Duval, Fountain Press, 1971, f/f (as new), see scan, From their first attempted powered flight to
supersonic jets, many photos, 288 pgs.
| $22.00 |
SINGAPORE THE JAPANESE VERSION, Tsuji, Masanobu Col., St Martin's Press, 1960. Hardback (no dj, vg.
see scan, author of this book is one of the planners of the Imperial Japanese Army’s invasion of Malaya & the capture of Singapore.
He “unreservedly attributes Japan’s victory in Malaya to the patriotic fervour & self-sacrifice of the frontline officers, men of her 25th Army,
which, in advancing six hundred miles and capturing Singapore in seventy days, achieved one of the decisive victories of World War II.
photos & maps, 358 pgs.
| $12.00 |
SEVENTY YEARS AFTER 1914-1984, Gardam, Col. John, Canada Wings, 1983, vg (soft cover, rubbed). see scan,
How Great War began, description, interviews, signed by Earl L. MacLeod, a subject of the book
many photos & maps, 99 pgs.
| $15.00 |
SKY RIDERS, Myers, Patricia, Fifth House Ltd., 1995, vg/vg, see scan,
history of aviation in Alberta,
from the original balloon flight, the returning pilots from WW I, starting their own
aviation companies, barnstorming, airlines and WW II. This book covers 1906 to 1946, photos, 220 pgs.
| $12.50 |
SUBMARINES WITH WINGS, Treadwell, Terry, Conway Maritime Press, 1985, vg/vg
see photo, dream of combining aircraft and submarines occurred suprisingly early in the development of both. Following British and German experiments in 1914-1918, many navies built special submersible aircraft carriers between the wars, but only the Japanese persevered with the apparently insurmountable problems, culminating in a planned 1945 raid on the Panama Canal,
photos, 115 pgs.
| $15.00 |
THREE'S COMPANY, Long, Jack, Pen & Sword, 2005, f/f (as new), see scan,
The history of No. 3 (Fighter) Squadron. It was formed in 1912, fought both world wars and is in the jet age.
More recently it has seen service in the Falklands, the Balkans, Iraq, and has just returned from Afghanistan.
many photos, 224 pgs.
| $20.00 |
23rd BOMBARDMENT SQUADRON, Smith, Marion, 1997, Notebook, see scan. History of the 23rd Bomb Sqdn 1917-1987.
A privately put together history. The text & photos are done on a copy machine in a 3-ring binder. Several group
reunions are covered through 1986, They began WW II at Hickham field with B-17s in 1943. They switched to B24s. Most of their action was in the
S.W. Pacific.
| $20.00 |
TWICE VERTICAL, Shaw, Michael, MacDonald, f/f (as new), see scan,
History of No. 1 (Fighter) Squadron R. A. F. from balloons in Pre-WW I days to Nieuports & SE.5s in WW I. Between the wars,
tjeu were in India, Iraq & back in France in 1939. They were active in the Battle of Britain & the air war over Europe, photos, 256 pages.
| $35.00 |
UNCONVENTIONAL AIRCRAFT, Bowers, Peter, TAB, 1984, f (soft cover), see scan,
aircraft designed in what we call other than the standard configuartion, including Canard, Tandem Wing, Flying Automobiles, etc.,
many photos, 278 pgs.
| $15.00 |
U.S. MARINE CORPS AIRCRAFT 1914-1958, Larkins, William, Aviation History, 1959, vg/vg (edgewear),
see scan,
Photos & descriptions of 45 years of USMC aircraft, many photos,203 pgs.
| $25.00 |
U.S. NAVAL FIGHTERS 1922-1980s, Jones, Lloyd, Aero Publishers, 1977, vg/vg,
see photo, every type is documented , photos & 3-views, 352 pgs.
| $18.00 |
Larkins, William, Orion, 1988, vg/vg, see scan, each aircraft listed with a photo, 203 pgs.
| $20.00 |
VENTURE THE FAR HORIZON, Harvie, E.F., Whitcombe & Thoms, 1966, f/f (as new).
see scan,
The author recounts the historic flights in New Zealand, including his own, photos, 192 pages.
| $15.00 |
VOYAGEURES OF THE AIR, Main, J.R.K., Canadian Dept. of Transport, 1967, f/f (as new),
see scan,
history of Canadian Civil Aviation 1858-1967, photos, 297 pgs.
| $12.50 |
ON A WING AND A PRAYER, Gwynn-Jones, Terry, University of Queensland, 1989, soft cover (as new),
see scan, Covers Australian air stories from 1912, WW I, the 20s & 30s through WW II, photos, 201 pages.
| $16.00 |
WINGED COURIER, Klein, Harry, Timmins, vg (property of "Freedom Square" stamped on fly page)/vg (faded), 1955,
see scan, signed by author,
history of aviation in South Africa, photos, 130 pgs.
| $20.00 |
WINGED SENTRIES, Gordon, John, self-pubished, 1963, vg/vg (oversized, small piece missing from back cover),
see photo, English & French text, inside front cover has facsimile signatures of over 70 pilots including Raymond Collishaw, G E Nash & Joe Macbrien; history of the types of aircraft used by Canadian Armed Forces is permanently recorded, index, illustrations 104 pages.
| $25.00 |
White & Smith, Harbour Publishing, 2005, vg (soft cover), see scan,
the history of aviation in Victoria, B.C. from the first flight (balloon) in 1871 to 1971, 600 photos, 208 pages.
| $12.50 |
WINGS OF YESTERYEAR, Szurovy, Geza, Motorbooks, 2004, soft cover (as new), see scan,
Traces civilian & private airraft fom 1911 throughthe post WW II period. The pioneers & airraft such as De Havilland, Travel Air,
Ryan & Piper, many phots (much color), 168 pgs.
| $10.00 |
WINGS OVER THE MEXICAN BORDER, Ragsdale, Kenneth, University of Texas, 1984, f/f (as new), see scan.
The aerial border patrol ( Rio Grande) during the 1920s, 30s & 40s, photos, 266 pgs. | $25.00 |
WORLD ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURES, Gunston, Bill, Naval Institute, 1993, f/f, see scan,
Listed alphabetically, there are over 3,000 entries from those who manufactured 1 aircraft to companies like Boeing,
300 photos, 336 pgs.
| $18.00 |
YESTERDAY'S WINGS, Bowers, Peter, AOPA, 1974, vg (issued w/o dj), see photo,
an insight into the many aircraft of general aviation from its very beginnings through the post-war era,
descriptions & photographs of more than seventy great aircraft. 160 pgs.
| $12.00 |