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Pioneer Titles - pg. 6

SIKORSKY VS-44 FLYING BOAT, Pember, Harry, Flying Machines Press, 1998, as new, soft cover, see photo, design , constuction & operation of the Sikorsky VS -44 4 - engine flying boat in the late 1930's , their use includes in Antilles Air boats, under Charles & Maureen O ' Hara - Blaid , the restoration of the surviving example, photos, line drawings & color plates, 71 pgs. $6.00
SKYRACERS, THE, Hood, Joseph, Grosset & Dunlap, 1969, vg/vg, see scan, From the air racing beginnings in 1909 through the highights of the 1920s & 1930s, photos, 160 pgs. $22.50
TAKING FLIGHT, Maxim, Paul, Wairarapa, NZ, 2003, fine (soft cover), see scan, Percy Fisher who built & flew the first airplane in New Zealand in 1913, photos, 76 pages. $17.50
TAKING FLIGHT, Hallion, Richard, Oxford Press, 2003, new, see photo, a ground-breaking & comprehensive new history of flight, stressing its global roots, follows its pre-history, early attempts by pioneers to invent the aeroplane, the impact of air power on the outcome of World War I & finally considers the effects of flight on world affairs, both military and civil, photos & diagrams, 531 pgs. $10.00
THEY FLEW THE ATLANTIC, de la Croix, Robert, Frederick Muller, 1969, vg/vg, see scan, a record of the twenty years it took to prove the Atlantic could be an air traffic lane, this has its start in 1910 & carries on to pre-World War II days. photos, 225 pgs. $28.00
TRAIL BLAZERS OF THE AIR, Tennant, Kylie, Macmillan, 1965, vg/vg (chipped), see scan, Australia pioneer aviators such as Kingford-Smith Taylor & Hinkler, illustrations, 131 pages. $12.00
UNCHARTED SKIES, Henry, Walter, Canadian Bush Pilot Project, f/f, see scan, the personal adventures of 25 Canadian bush pilots, photos, 191 pgs. $16.00
UNLOCKING THE SKY, Shulman, Seth, Harper Collins, 2002, new, see photo, Glenn Curtiss and his race to invent the airplane, Wright brothers took to the courts to keep Curtiss & his airplanes out of the sky, photos, 258 pgs. $6.00
VAGABONDS OF THE SKY McAllister, Bruce, Roundup Press, 2004, new, soft cover, see photo, photographic history of America's barnstorming pilots & daredevils, 151 pgs. $6.00
WILEY POST, HIS WINNIE MAE AND THE WORLD'S FIRST PRESSURE SUIT, Mohler & Johnson, Smithsonian, 1971, good (soft cover), see scan, Post's flying career & his contributio to the first pressure suit, photos, 127 pgs. $6.00
WILL ROGERS & WILEY POST IN ALASKA: THE CRASH FELT AROUND THE WORLD, Collins Dr. Reba (editor), Will Rogers Heritage Press 1984, f (embossed cover (hardback) see scan, signed by one of the reporters, Robert J. Gleason, Will Rogers' career as reported in the many newspaper articles collected in this volume. photos, 132 pages. $30.00
WIND AND SAND, Westcott & Degen. Easterm Acorn Press. 1983, f/f (as new) , see scan, The story of the Wright brothers first flight accomplisment in their own words & photos, 189 pgs. $25.00
WINGLESS EAGLE, Johnson, Herbert, University of North Carolina, new, 2001, see photo, history of U.S. Army aviation, explores cutural, technical political & organization factors that stunted it's evolution, 298 pgs. $10.00
WINGS ACROSS THE TASMAN, Jillett, Leslie, Reed, 1953, vg/vg (minor chipping), see scan, Covers 25 years if flights across the Tasman Sea (1200 miles) since Kingsford-Smith's pioneering flight, Sept. 1928, photos, 199 pages. $30.00
WINGS OF MADNESS Hoffman, Paul, Hyperion, 2003, new, see scan, Alberto Santos-Dumont and the Invention of Flight, introduces the dashing inventor who entertained Paris with his airborne antics - barhopping in a little dirigible that he tied to lamp posts, circling around the Eiffel Tower & crashing into rooftops, a glimpse into the mind of an extraordinary & tormented man that also vividly depicts the sights and sounds of turn-of-the-century Paris, photos, 369 pgs. $12.95
WINGS OVER THE MEXICAN BORDER, Ragsdale, Kenneth, University of Texas, 1984, f/f (as new), see scan. The aerial border patrol ( Rio Grande) during the 1920s, 30s & 40s, photos, 266 pgs. $25.00

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